Who are we?.
Our Objectives.
Testimony former muslims.
Contact us.
What is islam?.
How do I study Islam?.
Study of Islam.
Islamization of Belgium.
Action Points.
Questions for the Movement.
Movement in the Media.
Islamitic Terminology.



Dear friends,

Welcome to the Movement of Belgian Former Muslims. We  call on all Belgian Former Muslims or Former Muslims living in Belgium to join our Movement and to report to us. We hope that you will learn a lot here on our website. Our ambition is to spark people's curiosity and bring a knowledge of Islam to an audience with the most diverse backgrounds, so that someday thousands of experts on Islam will stand up in Belgium.

Naturally this site will raise many questions, and we are ready to give answers and discuss with you on the basis of facts, knowledge and logical argumentation. If your knowledge is not sufficient, we can take you on a trip into the primary sources of Islam.

It is our hope that the Movement of Former Muslims will grow rapidly and that it will contribute positively to our Belgian society. It is our wish to open up the debate about Islam, a debate which so far has been rather one-sided and superficial.

You can contact us at exmuslim@exmuslim.org
Best regards,
The Chairman

PRESS RELEASE: Former Muslims organize themselves with the establishment of the "Movement of Belgian Former Muslims"

On February 11, 2011 we officially started our "Movement of Belgian Former Muslims". The objective of our new movement is to be a focal point for all former Muslims in Belgium. As readers may know, Islam prescribes the death penalty for apostasy, according to all major schools of Islamic law. Therefore apostates, both in Muslim countries and in non-Muslim countries with a significant Muslim presence, are living under severe pressure. We ask the government to guarantee freedom of religion, including the freedom and security of Muslims who wish to renounce Islam. In this regard, we ask more specifically for a contact with the Belgian State Security.

To counter the growing influence of Islam worldwide, and in Belgium in particular, we want to make proposals to preserve the freedoms that we have laboriously built up in Belgium, but that are now under increasing pressure.

As the main communication tool we use our website
The website is intended to communicate our actions and goals to the public and to inform about Islam.

The driving forces behind the Movement of Belgian Former Muslims are a Flemish convert to Islam and a group of former muslims of Moroccan descent.